American Sign Language
ASL is integrated into all services and supports that TCI provides. We are committed to providing quality supports to Members requiring this specialized support. We strive to include American Sign Language into everything we do. We do this in the following ways:
- In Day Habilitation, we have dedicated ASL groups that allow peers to interact with one another and with staff who are fluent in American Sign Language.
- In Day Habilitation, all Members (including those in our ASL groups) receive regular ASL instruction to increase vocabulary. We encourage all Day Habilitation Members to communicate in ASL as much as possible.
- All Transitions Centers staff receive regular training in American Sign Language.
- Individuals requiring support in Employment Services and Individual Support Services whose primary language is ASL will be supported by a staff trained in ASL or through the use of Assistive Technology.
- TCI staff will also use assistive technology to assist with communication to our ASL Members. Our building is equipped with VP’s (Video Phones) to communicate to our ASL Members at home.
- We work in partnership with other agencies who also work with the deaf population, like Work Inc. and Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf.