Our Story
With the support of Latham Centers, our parent company, Transitions Centers (TCI) was created on June 13, 2008 with just four Members and two staff. At that time, TCI was just a Day Habilitation Center. In October 2008, TCI added Supported Employment as another TCI program offered to the people we serve. We currently serve over 100 individuals in Day Habilitation, Supported Employment Services, CBDS and Individual Support Services. Our goal is to improve the lives of neuro-diverse individuals and give them the skills to make them as independent as possible in the real world. Our focus is quite simple: to work with each individual to have increased competence and confidence in the community.
Transitions Centers maintains an exceptional relationship with the Department of Developmental Services, MassAbility, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, CORD, and other related providers. We have received many consecutive three-year certifications from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) since our inception, underscoring our efforts in continuous quality improvement for the individuals Transitions Centers serves.
Transitions Centers is a place where:
- Individuals fit in and be mentored as well as challenged,
- They work toward achieving their goals with support and understanding,
- Friendships are developed, individuals work on social anxiety and get the sensory input they require, and
- They work toward being as independent as possible based on their individual needs and desires.
In order to create the environment that we envision, we work to recruit the best in the business: staff with experience, compassion, dedication, and the ability to think “outside of the box,” and who like to collaborate in a Team approach. Since our inception, we have been successful in this endeavor and now offer many services to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria.
Characteristics we look for in attendees include:
- Individuals who have goals or have a desire to develop goals that will enable them to become as independent as they can be.
- Individuals who want to attend our program. We do understand that for some this may be a new and anxiety provoking experience and we will support individuals through this transitional period.
- For Day Services: Individuals who can safely function and participate on-site and in the community in group sizes of up to 7 with one staff facilitating.
- For Employment Services: Individuals who have the desire and motivation to be competitively employed and who can eventually work without day-to-day job coaching and support.
- For Individual Supports: Individuals who have the desire to learn additional skills related to successful independent living.
- For Community Based Day Supports (CBDS): The desire to learn more about activities in the community and learn valuable skills that develop vocational skills in a 1:4 staffing ratio.
We created our logo to symbolize Transitions Centers’ service to our Members. We work on a variety of skills to help our individuals reach their goals – including confidence and independence. We provide numerous opportunities for Members to explore and engage in their world, develop skills necessary for success, and feel empowered.
The interconnecting T and C (for Transitions Centers) represents movement and activity – a fundamental principle at Transitions Centers. Most of our Members participate in diverse activities outside of our center, where members access a wide range of choices to
- improve their community involvement,
- find work that matches their skills and interests, and
- attain more confidence and competence in the community.
The hexagon is found throughout nature and symbolizes harmony and balance. Through Transitions Centers’ programs, our Members develop the skills necessary to connect with the community in harmony and balance.