FY 2024 in Review
Transitions Centers annually records and reviews some specific measures related to the services we provide. These measures assist our Leadership Team review the services offered to our Members, and strategies either to maintain or improve upon these service areas. It is always good to make comparisons to previous year, but currently, we are analyzing our growth since the pandemic and comparing some data prior to the pandemic. Here are some of the results of our data collection:
Satisfaction data was gathered by surveys of TCI parents, TCI Day Habilitation Members, TCI Employment Services Members, Businesses that employ TCI Members through our Employment Service, and TCI staff. Satisfaction in all of these areas remained in the 90th to 100th, including TCI staff satisfaction. In FY 23, staff expressed the need for increased rates of pay. At the start of 2024, TCI increased pay of all employees by 12.5%. This, in addition to an slight increase in staff, assisted in this increase of satisfaction from Transitions Centers staff. TCI Staff also feel that they have a positive work culture and that serving our Members is the best part of their job. We are proud of the great job our staff do on a daily basis and the positive message that they bring to the Cape Cod community about the potential of our Members on a daily basis.
Day Habilitation FTE’s (full time equivalents) is a way that TCI measures it’s capacity in our Day Habilitation program. All of our Members do not attend Monday – Friday, but if they did, This number would exhibit the total number of Members participating full-time in our program. Before the pandemic (FY 20), TCI had 56.3 FTE’s in our Day Hab program. Our FY 24 number was 38.6, which was a slight increase from FY 23, which has 38.6 FTE’s. Having enough Day Hab staff and drivers was the reason why we did not see as much growth as we would have liked in FY 24. Our Day Habilitation program had to put Member’s acceptances on hold until we could hire these staff. Despite this, TCI still had many potential Members completing applications to be a part of our Day Habilitation program due to the quality of programming being offered.
Activity in our Employment Services exploded in FY 24! We served 57 Members in our Employment Service. This is amazing growth in comparison to FY 21, when we served 32 Members. This is the largest number of Member ever served by Transitions Centers. We also saw a major increase in the number of people placed in community employment. TCI has a great reputation with our funding sources in finding appropriate employment for our Members which allow for maximum independence, meeting the needs of Cape Cod businesses and finding jobs that are enjoyed by each Member.
Despite some staffing challenges in Day Habilitation, Transitions Centers provided service to the most Members ever, serving 135 Members! Over the past three years , Transitions Centers has experienced amazing growth in Employment Services(32 Members in FY 21 to 57 in FY 24) and Individual Support Services (2 Members in FY 21 to 16 Members in FY 24). In addition, Transitions Centers was awarded new five-year transportation contracts through GATRA (Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority) which is more able to cover agency transportation costs for Day Habilitation, also allowing for expansion as our Day Habilitation program grows.
As planning begun for FY 25, Transitions Centers was still faced with some staffing shortages, but due to the efforts made in FY 24, it is apparent that TCI will continue to grow, continuing to provide quality services to our Members.